
Weak Roofing Material Demand Lowers Owens Corning's 2014 Outlook

Strong Roofing Withstands Extreme Weather

October 09, 2014

As concerns about adverse weather increase, roofing systems need more durable components, according to the FORTIFIED program of the Insurance Institute for Business and Home. For example, the program recommends 8d ring shank nails along framing members, as well as durable shingle covers that meet ASTM standards. Gaps between roof panels should be sealed with "peel and stick tape" or synthetic underlayment, and roof-to-wall connections should be reinforced with metal clips or straps. Strong roofing systems can help homes withstand extreme weather GA IN NE MN FL - Image 1The old adage says that nobody can predict the weather, but one thing seems certain: based on the past several years, extreme weather conditions are becoming more frequent. The property-casualty insurance industry paid out $1.6 billion in March 2013 because of thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hail; $1.2 billion in April for tornadoes, heavy storms, ice, and a winter storm; and $3.2 billion in May because of thunderstorms, hail, and tornadoes, according to Neil Alldredge, senior vice president of state & policy affairs for the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC).

Recognizing the need for disaster mitigation, more states and municipalities are establishing guidelines for builders, contractors and homeowners for methods designed to protect structures from extreme weather conditions. This just makes economic sense, according to many studies. The Louisiana State University Hurricane Center conducted a comparative analysis of Hurricane Katrina's economic impact on Mississippi, projecting a $3.1 billion savings if tougher building codes had been in place. To help build more storm-resistant homes, the Insurance Institute for Business and Home (IBHS) has created the FORTIFIED program to help contractors and homeowners strengthen their homes against hurricanes and high winds, wind-driven rain, earthquakes, hail, wildfires, flooding, and severe winter weather. Studies show every $1 spent on disaster mitigation saves $4 in community disaster recovery expenses.


A Beacon of Hope for the Roofing Market (IN, GA, FL, MN, MO)