Roof It Forward Case Study: Starter Shingles
The Challenge

The Solution
ARAC Roof it Forward utilizes the Starter Strip Plus Shingle from Owens Corning which puts the tar strip right in the location for the best performance in sealing. Taking this one step further we place this shingle up the rakes as well as the eaves. This ensures we have an entire seal around the perimeter of the roofing system.
The reason you need starter shingles is because laying a course of shingles on the perimeter edge will creates a channel where the shingles butt up against each other which is in direct contact with the roof deck. By applying a starter course and then applying an additional course of field shingles on top of them you are effectively covering those water channels and waterproofing your roof deck appropriately. Starter strips prevent shingle blow off by adhering the field course and the starter course together with a strong adhesive. For years contractors have been placing a 3 tab shingle upside down as a starter that is fine but what you are lacking is the tar strip being in the wrong place or not there at all.
Here is the video of the Owens Corning Starter Strip Plus shingle in action. Call or contact us today for a free estimate on your roofing system!